does this look like a spam blog?
Is anybody out there? Probably not... no bike pictures recently.
And what the hell is up with Google locking me out for suspicion of spamblogging. What is spamblogging anyway?
whatever... Here's some (definitely cool) songs floating through my head and across my ipod lately
Israelites - Desmond Decker
Moon over Marin - Dead Kennedys
Gideon - My Morning Jacket
My Favorite Things - John Coltrane
Too tired to do anything interesting lately, much less write about it. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. No bike, no nothing. I'll try to make at least a feeble attempt at posting next week.
It is way too random to be a spam blog. Your pal,
Hey! Was that a compliment? It could have been a compliment, couldn't it? Hmm.. I think it was a compliment. Wooohooo - you like me, you really like me!
- taz
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